Get custom field on custom taxonomy in archive page


I reached out on the forums initially but the only reply I've gotten so far which also linked a page that is supposed to do what I need didn't work. What I am trying to do should be easy but unless I do a complicated multi-table lookup I can't get what I need.

Basically I have archive.php which I want to use for every archive. I have a custom taxonomy called review-series. I have two ACF fields including review_series_featured_image which if present I want to use as a background-image.

I need to do this outside of the loop as posts could have more than one review-series, I only care about the review-series in play on archive.php. In this example archive.php is called with this URL: /review-series/reviewed-from-vhs/

I can use is_tax() to determine is this is true as well as get the appropriate term_id with get_queried_object_id():

	$fanart = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/films-fanart.jpg';
	$archive_id = get_queried_object_id();

	if ( is_tax( 'review-series' ) ) {
		// if ( get_field( 'review_series_featured_image', $archive_id ) ) {
		//	$fanart = get_field( 'review_series_featured_image', $archive_id );
		// }
		echo '<div>get_queried_object_id() = ' . $archive_id . ', $fanart=' . $fanart . '</div>';
		// outputs <div>get_queried_object_id() = 22364, $fanart=http://outlawvern.local/wp-content/themes/vern2019/img/films-fanart.jpg</div>

If I uncomment the inner "if" clause the page crashes. If I change get_field() to 'term_' . $archive_id it still crashes. None of the code on the linked page the helpful user provided works either:

I can write the SQL myself:

	SELECT wp_postmeta.meta_value 
	FROM wp_postmeta 
		INNER JOIN wp_termmeta ON wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_termmeta.meta_value 
	WHERE wp_termmeta.term_id = 22364 AND 
		wp_termmeta.meta_key = 'review_series_featured_image' AND 
		wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file';

But I figure there must be a way with standard WordPress and ACF functions.
